I love these cows! and was most impressed that Maggie made a field trip to a nearby farm to get some close up pictures!

Everybody's work looks different because they're working from ideas that interest them; also I really emphasize individuality and "developing your own voice" in my classes.

It's interesting how different people's interests, ideas, style and personality do come out in the work that they make. I think if we understand who we are it can help us make more valid and original work. Are you a quiet person? or a bold and dramatic one? Are you fascinated by colour? or do bold shapes and lines in high contrast values attract you more? do you like things to be very clear, upfront and spelled out, or do you like a little mystery and uncertainty? Are you calm person, or do you thrive on excitement? think about it, look at your work, look at your friends work!!!
I don't know who made this next piece which I saw in the Earth Art exhibit at the Royal botanical Gardens in Hamilton Ontario, but I think he must be fairly neat, obsessive, a person who literally likes everything squared away and accounted for......

Not only is it a stunning piece....but look at the quilt inspiration he draws from!!
and, if you have been, thanks for reading......
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