Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Being creative in uncreative times

You know, being isolated and at home a LOT more! gives one time to sort things out and look back at old work. I came across the quilt above that I made years and years ago, quite possibly in another century! I decided that it needed a little improvement! so using photoshop elements (could have used GIMP a free download and very good, or any of a number of photo imaging programs, but just happened to have PSE and be familiar with it - the key!), I decided it looked a little murky, so upped the color saturation. also increased the contrast. Then I felt that it was really the wrong shape...I love horizontal views of trees...like you see out of clerestory windows....so I altered the shape too. and came up with this:
Those 3 little alternations make ALL the difference in how it looks. I don't think it needs any more. Though...it would be interesting to see it in black and white...like birch trees in a winter forest:
hmm!!! I'm quite inspired!!! you know it's impossible to be creative looking at a blank sheet of paper/screen/design wall! Start with something from way way in the past...and just play with the image as I have. I didn't get into extracting details, that would be another interesting step...hmm...now I think I might just make a cuppa tea and then see what details I can find.... And, of you have been! Thanks for reading...and remember, there's a wealth of possibility sitting right there in your photo album. Comments!!! please!!! thank you! Elizabeth


Cher said...

I love how you showed the different looks and enjoyed hearing your thought process.
thanks for sharing

Elizabeth Barton said...

Hi Cher!! and thanks for commenting...I think very often there's a sweet flow of inspiration from one piece to another...which allows for step by step experimentation...it's important to take your time...and also not to get side tracked by things like Guild Challenges - as fun as they might be!!!

all the best, Elizabeth