I want to go upto North West Scotland which all the guidebooks say is “the most beautiful part” and see some scenery – maybe get new Inspiration!! As long as the fog holds off.
I just read a light but delicious book by Alexander McCall Smith called “The Right Attitude to Rain” – about life in
I hope to get into
There’s a show of work by “bad girl” Tracey Emin who makes quilts (among other things) with bold statements appliquéd on them; they warn you: “A unique chance to see the first major retrospective of one of Britain’s most celebrated and controversial artists.This show contains works of an explicit nature.” !!! - well, we’ll see!
It will definitely be different from what you see at the latest guild show, or even Quilt National, that’s for sure!
And after Sutton, we’re going to visit artist friends of mine in Dewsbury – they live right by the
The following day we’re going to visit Elizabeth Brimelow – she’s in my top 5 of favorite quilt makers. She made the famous piece (a detail of which is below) that the
And then we’re going to the Lowry gallery of course! A painter well known in England but rarely mentioned here. I had the privilege of hanging next to him in a gallery in the south of England last year – sadly didn’t get there – but here’s a picture – you can sort of see it!!! I have 2 small quilts on the wall facing you, and one on the right side next to the Lowry.
My last day in
Finally I’ll be flying home 2 weeks today. I’ll not be blogging during these two weeks so be sure to check back when I get home as I hope to have some photos and comments on the art I’ve seen. Maybe even some adventures if I’m lucky!
And if you have been, thanks for reading.
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